Family Immigration Lawyer New York City

Many people from around the world dream of living in the United States, specifically New York City. Unfortunately, many dreams never come true due to the fear of filing the correct documents and navigating the complexities of U.S. immigration laws. Don’t let your dream slip away. One of our experienced family immigration lawyers can help make your dream a reality.


MyImmigration can help to keep your family together.


From sponsoring family members to applying for a K-1 visa to challenging deportation, the process could be complicated without guidance from a compassionate New York City family immigration attorney. Let MyImmigration solve your family immigration issues.

Let us help you navigate the maze of NYC’s family immigration requirements today.

Navigate New York City’s Family Immigration Obstacles with Ease

No matter where you’re from, family is important. However, keeping everyone together can pose difficulties when attempting to immigrate to the United States. U.S. immigration laws, with their mountains of paperwork and seas of regulations, can make the journey seem almost impossible.


If English isn’t your first language, this can add to the worry and frustration of figuring out exactly what forms you need to file and what documents you’ll need to present. However, working with an experienced New York City Lawyer can make even the most difficult situations much easier. Our friendly yet savvy team of immigration professionals can help you overcome any obstacles you face.


Are you worried about:


  • Filing the correct immigration forms?
  • Not understanding the questions on forms?
  • Not knowing where to get the additional required documents?
  • Changes in immigration policy?
  • Struggling with language issues?


MyImmigration can help you to find the answers to your family immigration questions and concerns.

How Can MyImmigration Law Office Help With My Family Immigration Concerns?

James L. Robertson, an immigration attorney with twelve years of experience at USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), has assembled a skilled and caring team of family immigration experts in New York City. His behind-the-scenes work with immigration services has given him an inside look at the immigration process, and he’s passed this knowledge on to his team. MyImmigration can assist with guiding and completing the necessary immigration forms and help with any difficulties you encounter.


No matter your immigration needs, we’re here to help. Our lawyers and staff are experts in all areas of immigration law and can make the difficult process much easier. There’s no reason to struggle searching for the correct forms to follow or stumble over the questions. With MyImmigration, we’ll walk you through the sometimes complex family immigration process.


Do you have:


  • A spouse still living outside of the United States?
  • Want to marry your partner, but they’re not in the country?
  • Family members who want to move to New York City?
  • Fears about filing the wrong forms or questions about how to do so?


If so, MyImmigration is happy to assist you. Here are a few areas of family immigration where we can help.

Green Card Petition

Naturalized U.S. citizens and green card holders can legally help bring family members into the country. To do so, they must first sponsor their loved one by filing Form I-130 (Petition for Alien Relative). They must also provide proof of their relationship along with filing for the petition. Family members who are eligible for sponsorship include:


  • Spouses
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Brothers and sisters

K-3 Visa

If you’re a naturalized U.S. citizen and your spouse isn’t, sometimes a faster way for them to enter or remain in the country is by applying for a K-3 visa. This special visa allows your spouse to be legally in the United States while awaiting permanent residency. There are other paths for spouses legally married outside the country, highlighting the importance of working with a New York City family-based attorney.

Fiancé(e) Visas

A K-1 nonimmigrant visa is used for U.S. citizens who want to marry their foreign partners. Due to complex immigration laws, starting a life together in the United States can be difficult. However, with the help of an experienced New York City immigration lawyer, they can guide you toward your dream of wedded bliss. The process entails first filing Form I-129F (Petition for Alien Fiancé(e).

Other Immigration Services MyImmigration Can Provide

We aren’t simply a New York City family immigration law firm. At MyImmigration, we can assist immigrants with all their immigration needs and concerns. Why attempt to navigate U.S. immigration regulations alone when you can have an experienced team on your side? Other immigration services we provide include:


  • Green card applications and renewals
  • Naturalization services
  • Employment-based immigration
  • Student and tourist visa 
  • Travel documents or advanced parole
  • DACA services
  • And much more!

Why Should I Choose MyImmigration New York City Law Office?

Let’s face it: family is important no matter where you’re from. Suppose you’ve obtained legal residency (green card) or have become a naturalized U.S. citizen. In that case, you probably want your family to share the same freedoms and opportunities that New York City and the entire country can provide, right?


Now, imagine trying to find your way through the maze of immigration forms and requirements. To get your spouse, fiancé(e), or other loved one legally in the United States, forms must be filed, and supporting documents must be located and submitted. Not only can this be time-consuming, it can also be confusing.


Nothing worth having comes easily, but MyImmigration can help make the process so much easier. No matter what your immigration needs are, our experienced team of immigration lawyers and professionals is here to guide you every step of the way.


Here’s how our process works:


  1. Digital Interview – Using your smartphone, tablet, or computer, you will be asked simple questions to help determine what your immigration needs are. Our cutting-edge technology will check your answers and recommend which forms and supporting documents you need.
  2. Application Preparation – After the correct USCIS form or forms have been determined, our technology will review your answers and determine if they’re correct and if any other required information has been omitted or missed. This helps to ensure that everything is filled out correctly, saving you worries and concerns.
  3. Lawyer Review and Consultation – One of our immigration lawyers will review your forms and supporting documents, checking for accuracy and omissions. They’ll also inform you of any problems or issues your immigration scenario may have.
  4. Translation Services – MyImmigration can assist with any translation needs you may have. All supporting documents submitted to USCIS must be in English, and we can provide you with the best translation services available.
  5. Application Package – We will send you the necessary forms and documents directly to your address, along with simple instructions for submitting them to USCIS. You’ll only have to sign the documents (we’ll indicate where), enclose the required processing fees, and mail everything back to us using the pre-addressed envelope we provide. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for assistance anytime.

MyImmigration Law Office Strengths

  • Simplified Immigration for Work and Family: Everyone’s immigration journey is unique. We’re here to help with various family, work, and travel applications to reach your immigration goals.
  • Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips: Our experienced team is ready to guide you toward success. We’ll work with you to create a customized immigration plan tailored to your family’s needs.
  • Affordable and Accessible Support: With MyImmigration, you don’t need to visit a brick-and-mortar law office or spend a fortune on legal fees. We’re here to provide the immigration assistance you need without the hassle or high costs.

Contact a New York City Family Immigration Lawyer Today

For many, New York City is the place to be. With a green card, visa, or other required document that allows you to stay legally, your dream of living in the Big Apple with family can become a reality.


Immigration requirements are both complex and strict. Don’t miss your opportunity to become a legal resident.  Let MyImmigration tackle the details to ensure you do everything by the letter of the law.

Schedule an appointment with a New York City family immigration attorney today.