Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship

How long will USCIS take to process my case?

You can check the USCIS website here to see how long it is taking USCIS to process your N-565. 

How can I check the status of my case?

You can check your case status on the USCIS website here. You will need to input the receipt number you receive from USCIS. 

If I move while my application is pending, how do I notify USCIS that I changed my address?

 It is very important that you promptly update your address when you move. If you don’t, your certificate may be sent to the wrong address. You can update your address on USCIS’s website here

Is there a way to get a copy of my naturalization certificate or at least information from my naturalization certificate?

If your situation only requires information from your certificate or just a copy of your certificate and not an actual original certificate, you may want to consider making a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request. You can request USCIS send you a copy of your certificate from your immigration file. It usually takes 30 to 45 days for USCIS to process this type of request. Please contact us at 385-955-4711 if you would like our assistance with this or do it on your own by clicking here.  

Can my case be expedited?

USCIS will consider requests to expedite (process your application sooner) your application if you meet certain criteria. The criteria are as follows:

  • Severe financial loss to a company or person;
  • Emergencies or urgent humanitarian situations;
  • Nonprofit organization whose request is in furtherance of the cultural or social interests of the United States;
  • Government interests, including cases identified by the government as urgent because they involve the public interest, public safety, national interest, or national security interests; and
  • Clear USCIS error.

After you receive your receipt number from USCIS, you need to contact USCIS at 1-800-375-5283 and request your case be expedited. USCIS will want to you show proof you meet one of their expedite criteria, so be ready to provide this documentation according to the instructions they provide you. More information on this here: