You are close to getting your new green card. While you wait for your green card, please keep the following in mind.
Check the USCIS website here to see how long it is taking USCIS to process I-90s in general. Be sure to select “I-90|Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card” in the first drop-down and “Potomac Service Center” on the second drop-down.
You can check your case status on the USCIS website here. MyImmigration will also send you updates anytime your case status changes.
It is very important that you promptly update your address when you move. If you don’t, your green card may be sent to the wrong address. You can update your address on USCIS’s website here.
Mailing Address
My Immigration LLC
265 N. Main St.
Ste. D #311
Kaysville, UT
This service is provided by an entity that is not a traditional legal provider. This entity is owned/managed (fully or partially) by nonlawyers who are not subject to the same rules as lawyers.
For more information, click here. is not affiliated with the USCIS or any government agency. MyImmigration is a law office regulated by the Office of Legal Services Innovation, an office of the Utah Supreme Court, which allows for non-lawyer ownership. One or more nonlawyers holds an ownership and financial interest in MyImmigration. Attorney James Robertson, President of MyImmigration, oversees all legal services provided at MyImmigration and also holds an ownership and financial interest in the company. Fees received by MyImmigration are shared by its owners after expenses are paid. All forms that can be completed online using our service are available as blank forms with written instructions for free from the USCIS. fees do not include any government application, biometric, filing, or other applicable third-party fees. Access to and use of the website are subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Mailing Address
My Immigration LLC
265 N. Main St.
Ste. D #311
Kaysville, UT
84037-1471 is not affiliated with the USCIS or any government agency. All forms that can be completed online using our service are available as blank forms with written instructions for free from the USCIS. fees do not include any government application, biometric, filing, or other applicable third-party fees. Access to and use of the website are subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Mailing Address
My Immigration LLC
265 N. Main St.
Ste. D #311
Kaysville, UT
84037-1471 is not affiliated with the USCIS or any government agency. All forms that can be completed online using our service are available as blank forms with written instructions for free from the USCIS. fees do not include any government application, biometric, filing, or other applicable third-party fees. Access to and use of the website are subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
©2022 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Mailing Address
My Immigration LLC
265 N. Main St.
Ste. D #311
Kaysville, UT
84037-1471 is not affiliated with the USCIS or any government agency. All forms that can be completed online using our service are available as blank forms with written instructions for free from the USCIS. fees do not include any government application, biometric, filing, or other applicable third-party fees. Access to and use of the website are subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
©2022 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.